Anal Gland Removal Surgery

Anal Gland Removal Surgery
One very common problem dogs and cats suffer from is difficulty expressing their anal glands.
Anal glands are two scent glands located inside your pets rear end that usually empty when your dog or cat goes to the bathroom. Dogs and cats can use their anal glands to mark their territory or as a distraction mechanism when scared.
These glands are not a necessity for your pets every day lives!
Some dogs and cats are not able to express their glands naturally, thus creating painful anal glands when they fill up and become impacted and infected.
Therefore, some dogs and cats need to have their glands manually expressed by their local veterinarian.
These glands refill every 4 to 6 weeks, which necessitates trip after trip after trip to the veterinarian’s office. Over time unexpressed anal glands become progressively worse. The glands develop hyperplasia, scar tissue and inflammation making them very painful for your pet. These tissue changes makes it more difficult to empty the anal glands over time, therefore things get worse, not better, as the months and years go by.
Clinical signs of anal gland problems include your pet chewing and licking around their bottom area, scooting their bottoms on the floor and pain when their anal glands are gently palpated or touched.
Martin Animal Clinic can help solve your pet’s anal gland problems.
Your pet may need surgery to remove impacted, infected, painful anal glands. Surgical removal of your pets anal glands eliminates your pets pain and discomfort for the rest of their life, saving your pet and your pocket book a world of pain.

Now, not every pet needs this surgery. Your pet should be evaluated to diagnose this problem, with a quick office visit to Martin Animal Clinic. Dr. Martin will determine if your pet is a candidate for this surgical procedure, which he has performed 100’s of times for 24 plus years.